Submision guidelines
The responsibility for the content of the text lies solely with the author (s). By submitting an article for publication, the author / authors implicitly assume the observance of the rules of academic integrity.
The article submitted for publication must contain the author's name, institutional affiliation, author's email address, an abstract written in English and 5-7 keywords also in English.
Item size: 10-15 pages standard typewriter
Style guidelines
Please, write you text in Word, using Times New Roman, size 12 for the text, 1.5 space paragraph and size 10 for footnotes. Notes must be numbered consecutively throughout the text using Arabic numerals.
Please use diacritics for texts written in Romanian.
The articles may have sub-chapters that are numbered with Arabic numerals and their titles are written with TNR 12, bold, centered. The distance between the subchapter title and the rest of the text is 1 pt.
The distance between paragraphs is 0 pt.
Tabele, figuri (fotografii, desene, hărți etc.) și grafică sunt incluse în text sau în anexe, fiind numerotate, denumite și indicat sursa acesteia. Referirea din text la acestea se va face prin indicația: figura nr. .. sau tabelul nr. …
Please, use justified text, aligned to both the left and right margins.
Use double quotation marks („”) for the quotations inside the main text of the article and provide scientific reference (footnote - in accordance with the rules of the Romanian Academy for History, detailed below).
Notes and bibliographical references
Citing books (monographs, edited volumes, text editions, translations, catalogues, thesis):
- Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (italics) [Title of Series, volume (vol.) Roman numeral] volumes I, Place of publication, Publisher, year, page(s) (p./pp.) Titlu al cărții (italic) [Titlul seriei, volum (vol.) Număr roman] volume I, Locul publicării, Editura, anul, pagina (paginile) (p./pp.)
Ex: Elena Chiaburu, Carte și tipar în Țara Moldovei până la 1829, Iași, Editura Universității ”Al. I. Cuza”, 2005, p. 44. Carte și tipar în Țara Moldovei până la 1829, Iași, Editura Universității ”Al. I. Cuza ”, 2005, p. 44.
Documente privitoare la negustorii din Țara Românească, vol. 1: 1656-1688, ed. Gh. Lazăr, Iași, Editura Universități ”Al. Ioan Cuza ”, 2013, p. 71.
- Citing journal articles: Firstname Lastname, Article Title (italics), in “Journal Title” (double quotation marks), vol/issue (year), p./pp. titlul articolului (italic), în „Titlul jurnalului” (ghilimele duble), vol / număr (an), p./pp.
Ex: Samuel Goldenberg, Hallerii. Un capitol din istoria comerțului și o capitală comercială din Transilvania în secolul XVI, în „Studii. Revistă de istorie ”, 1958, nr. 5, pag. 95.
- Citing articles in edited works: Firstname Lastname, Article Title, in Title of Volume,. Firstname Lastname, Firstname Lastname, coord/ ed(s)/red., Place of publication, Publisher, year, p./pp.
Ex: Iolanda Țighiliu, Domeniul lui Constantin Brâncoveanu, în vol. Constantin Brâncoveanu, Paul Cernovodeanu, Florin Constantiniu (red.), București, Editura Academiei R.S.R., 1989, p. 84.
- For archival documents: the name of the preserving or issuing institution, the name of the fund / collection, the name of the sub-fund, the number and the year of the file, the tab (s) (f./ff.); for medieval documents, the file number and the document number will be indicated
Ex: Direcţia Judeţeană Braşov a Arhivelor Naţionale (an abbreviation may be used), fond Primăria Braşov, dosarul 46/1948.
ANIC, Fondul CC al PCR - Cancelarie, dosar nr. 55/1977.
- For microfilms: the name of the preserving institution, the name of the fund / collection, the number of the roll (r.), The number of the frame (c.).
Ex: Direcţia Arhivelor Naţionale Istorice Centrale, col. Microfilme Austria, r.198, c.316.
- For electronic sources: please indicate the URL and the date of the last visit. If the page has a title, its title is indicated and then URL, the date of the visit.
Ex: Institutul Național de Statistică – Câștiguri salariale din 1938. Serie anuală: tent/castiguri-salariale-din-1938-serie-anuala-0, visited on 06.08.2019., accesat 06.08.2019.
For titles in other languages than English, French, Italian, Spanish and German, please add the translation of the title between square brackets.
Please transliterate the titles from languages which don’t use the Latin alphabet.
Please end each footnote with a dot.
The footnotes may contain bibliographic references, quotations, comments, explanations.
Following the first citation that requires the complete indication of the bibliographic information (author's name, title of the work / study, place and date of publication), please use:
The author's name, the comprehensive title (with italics) and the page.
Ibidem Ibidem (in italics) when the footnote refers to the same author and the same work (possibly even the same page) as the previous footnote. In the case of citation of archival sources, Ibidem is not written in italics.
Idem - when referring to the same author in successive notes, but the works / studies cited are different (Eadem when the author is a woman). – atunci când se referă la același autor în note succesive, dar lucrările / studiile citate sunt diferite (Eadem când autorul este femeie).
- op. cit., (italics) –for an author’s work already quoted in a previous footnote, if it was the only work of that author which was consulted and if it is not in a successive footnote. (italic) – pentru lucrările unui autor deja citate într-o notă de subsol anterioară, dacă a fost consultată singura lucrare a acelui autor și dacă nu se află într-o notă de subsol succesivă.