All manuscripts submitted will undergo an anonymous double-blind peer review process in order to ensure qualitative scientific research. The author's identity will not be disclosed. In order to ensure an honest evaluation of manuscripts, the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous. anonim de revizuire double-blind, pentru a asigura o cercetare științifică calitativă. Identitatea autorului nu va fi dezvăluită. Pentru a asigura o evaluare corectă a manuscriselor, recenzorii și autorii rămân anonimi.
The manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two scholars, members of the Academic Board, highly-qualified in the field covered by the paper, in accordance with their expertise, methodological and contents area of professional experience. Based on the review report, two of the executive editors will make the final decision, reserving the right to reject the manuscript. The author will be notified of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript within 4 months from its submission.
After the editors assess their decision, the manuscript will be returned to the author together with requirements for explanations and/or modifications. The editorial team will also specify a deadline for receiving the revised manuscript. In the month following the re-submission of the corrected manuscript, the author will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of the reworked version. At the end of the peer-review process, the author should give an explicit statement of the final version acceptance before the manuscript is published.
The main evaluation criteria are scientific rigour, originality and potential interest for public review. If a manuscript is accepted, the editorial staff reserves the right to require changes in both form and content, when deemed necessary.