Ethics and Malpractices
Ethics and Malpractices
The publisher bears no responsibility for the editorial content. The views expressed in the articles are those of the authors. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the explicit permission in writing from the publisher.
Conflicts of Interest
Editors of The Annals of „Vasile Conta” High School Târgu-Neamț, History Series are obliged to declare any potential competing interest in undertaking their editorial duties. Our editors will have no power in influencing the peer-review process or the publication decision for an article they authored and submitted to the journal. If a submitted manuscript is authored by one of our editors, a co-editor or an external party will manage the entire review process. Furthermore, should such a situation appear and the manuscript will be published, it will be explicitly stated in the article/book review that the editor who submitted the work was not involved in any way in the review process of that specific paper.
Misconduct Handling
Cases of suspected misconduct will be handled in accordance with the guidelines set out by the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors COPE flowcharts on misconduct can be found at:
Complaints Handling
Complaints related to the The Annals of „Vasile Conta” High School Târgu-Neamț, History Series should be e-mailed to Complaints will be investigated according to recommendations by the Committee on Publication Ethics (see COPE Flowcharts). Reclamațiile vor fi cercetate în conformitate cu recomandările Comisiei de etică a publicării (a se vedea Organigrama COPE)